Babies & Children Portfolio

Babies & Children Portfolio:

There is a time, just after a baby is born, where he or she is the most delicate, squishy, sleepy and wonderful. This is why I love to use my baby photography skills to capture newborns in their first few days of life. Even at this young age every baby has a personality, likes and dislikes.Being myself a mother, I know first hand how quickly that new baby grows into a walking and talking… Children grow and change so quickly and if you don’t stop once in awhile and document who they are that very day it’ll be gone in a heartbeat.

I love to use my children photography skills to capture children the way they are. I love variety, which is good because no child is the same as another. And no one family’s needs are the same as the next. Some parents love the clean, classic look of a studio shot and others are looking for the feel a beach shoot at sunset offers. I enjoy finding those things that make your family unique and creating amazing portraits for you.

To see pricing packages for Babies & Children photography go to:

To book a session call studio at 905.922.2778 or email: [email protected]

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